Zvaigznāja KUBS
Constellation Cube is a creative platform that allows everyone to try their talent throughout the day.
Children, young people, as well as parents, and other interested parties are invited to participate in songwriting, try different instruments, and take a look at the music recording studio. The open microphone will be an opportunity to dare for the first time and show your talent to a wider audience. At the center of the event - a conversation and meeting with a special guest.
The purpose of the "Constellation Cube" is to give the audience of children and young people an insight into the basics of music by offering discussions, master classes, and an open microphone for self-expression to interest those without specific education in music. Taking into account that the number of events intended for the youth audience is relatively small, "Constellation Cube" places special emphasis on addressing young people living in the regions - believing that music is the most universal of all languages that unite the most diverse people.
Zvaigznāja KUBS 2024
Zvaigznāja kubs saka paldies visām pilsētām un notikumiem, kuros kopā iepazinām mūzikas instrumentus un rakstījām dziesmas!
Par iespējām KUBU iekļaut savā notikumā uzzini vairāk: sandra@zvaigznajs.lv